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Real Estate Sales Search

Parcel Number Search
Note: A partial-match search will be performed if the entered parcel number is incomplete.


Parcel Number:
  • The format for Real Estate Parcel Numbers is XX-XXX-XX-XX-XX-X-XX-XXX.  Dashes are required and all other characters must be numeric.



- OR -


Owner and Property Information Search
Note: When searching by Owner and/or Property Information, you can enter search information in any or all of the fields below. Searches, with partial matching, will be performed based on all the information entered.


Owner Name:
  • To search by Owner Name, enter Last Name followed by First Name--Examples: 1) Smith Samuel, 2) Smith Samuel & Jessica, 3) Samuel Smith & Jones Frank.  If you do not know the full name, enter as much of the name as you know.
  • To search for a company or organization, enter the full or partial company/organization name.


House Number:
  • If you enter a house number you must enter a street name (below), as well.


Street Name:
  • Enter only the name of the street (example: Main).
  • Do not enter street direction prefix (E, NE, etc.) or street type suffix (Dr., Ct., etc.)


To search only for properties with sale information, check this box: